The Green coloured embodiment of dauntlessness Buddha, Amoghsuddhi is one of the Pancha Buddhas or the Five Buddhas. His position is in the north. Harpies are his vehicle and his consort is Green Tara. Amoghsiddi is the fifth Dhyani Buddha in order. His left hand lies open on the lap and the right exhibits the Abhaya mudra or the position assuring fearlessness. He represents the cosmic element of Samskar or Conformation. He is of green colour and  his recognition symbol is the Biswa vajra or the double thunderbolt. He always faces the North. He is the embodiment of the rainy season. Sometimes, a serpent with seven heads forms the background as an umbrella. In front of his shrines, therefore, is found a small square pit which is meant for the snake. His vehicle is Garuda, the fastest divine bird.

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